The mighty Salto went off on a venture today. Up to Pilton, down to Killarney, continue to Tenterfield and almost back. The run to Killarney was really good, but I started scratching South of Stanthorpe alone, and afraid 😨
I clawed back up to cloud base and continued to Tenterfield to turn back to Warwick and on the way back realised the day was shuttling down, was better towards Warwick and I needed to start getting home.
It was a marginal final glide and at 1000ft AGL, I chose to put it in a paddock 5km South of the field. Hoping to kill 2 birds with 1 stone and gather all the photos of the outlanding retrieve as most of the club came to help the aerotow retrieve.
Thanks Nigel, Sid, Luke, Stephen, Brian and Lou.